The Men Who Sell Football

Al Jazeera’s I-Unit goes undercover to buy an English football club. But there’s a catch. The fictional buyer is a criminal on the run and wants to use the club to launder his dirty money. That’s against the rules but that won’t stop The Men Who Sell Football from trying to close the deal.

Producer: Kevin Hirten

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All the Prime Minister’s Men

All the Prime Minister’s Men is a gripping, true-crime story of a high-level coverup happening right now in Bangladesh. Through undercover recordings, confessional interviews, historical analysis and primary source documents, Al Jazeera Investigates exposes the corrupt and ongoing relationship between a criminal gang of brothers and the country’s leader. It’s a relationship that’s lasted more than 30 years.

Part One begins with a murder on the streets of the capital of Dhaka.

Producer: Kevin Hirten

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3 Days that Stopped the World

In late January 2020, two Chinese journalists got an assignment that would change their lives. They were sent to Wuhan to investigate the mysterious outbreak of a new strain of the coronavirus. What they witnessed as the city of 11 million people locked down is censored by the Chinese government. We are retelling it here, in testimony and footage smuggled out of the country. Here's what really happened in Wuhan during those three days that stopped the world.

Producer: Kevin Hirten

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The Cyprus Papers Undercover

Inside the story that ended Cyprus' 'golden passport' programme. The European Union launched legal proceedings following an explosive documentary from Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit. In a daring undercover operation, the team posed as representatives of a fictional, Chinese criminal looking to buy a european passport. What the investigation uncovered enraged citizens, forced powerful politicians to step down and left the government in Cyprus with no choice but to abolish its passport for investment scheme.

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